it’s magic.

Her freshly manicured nails tapped quickly on her Mac keyboard. She sat, perched, bolt-upright at her desk. She always sat like that but this afternoon, she was more rigid, her shoulders tense. She was nervous as hell, but focused on her work. Her eyes pierced her computer screen, determined to finish this stupid email before… … Continue reading it’s magic.

A Betchy Book Review: I Had A Nice Time (And Other Lies)

I'm not entirely sure how long I've been following The Betches'...but it's been a while...pretty much before Twitter was cool (and it's not any more, so that should be a giveaway). So I'll start this off with admitting I may have a bit of bias. Then again, my bias doesn't really matter much because I Had … Continue reading A Betchy Book Review: I Had A Nice Time (And Other Lies)